Labels:bulletin board | encyclical | person | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism OCR: RECHARGED BY THE RECESSION While the slump weakened comnetitors these financially solid companies 20t even stronger They arc ranked I below by analysts projections of potential gains in their sharc prices. ^l1 trade on the New York Stock Exchange. except for Roadway Services, sold over the counter Price! earning ratios are hased on 1992 estimates. Recen Target pric Yield prict Boadway Serices $48.25 137 2.5% 575. FleetiNarstar 21.50 10 3.2 35 Deere 51.75 13.0 3.9 70 Della 74.o0 33.3 1.6 100 Mar Deoaimentstorg 011.5 3.0 65 slumg competitors stroneer exeept earnings Roadwal Dell